Friday, 28 October 2016
Structure News: Making the case for an independent Amazon Web Services
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Speakers and press want to meet you
Monday, 24 October 2016
We don’t pay our speakers and they don’t pay us
Structure always puts content first.
It's our mission statement, it's our editorial integrity and it's a principle we will never change. We don't accept pay-to-play speakers and we don't cut our speakers checks for showing up. They come because they believe there is value in the conference we provide (press, networking, insights) and we invite them because they are the best at what they do.
This sets Structure apart as an industry leader who you can trust for unbiased content, quality speakers and interesting conversations.
Structure's speakers have all arranged their schedules to be there. Why haven't you?
Get 15% off your ticket if you register by 10/28.
Join our stellar of speakers and press next month:
- Aarti Shahani, Technology Reporter, NPR - Amit Zavery, SVP, Oracle Cloud Platform - Arlette Hart, CISO, FBI - Barb Darrow, Senior Writer, Fortune - Bernd Verst, Innovation Specialist, 18F - Bob Worrall, SVP, Chief Information Officer, Juniper - Bryan Cantrill, CTO, Joyent - Ellen Rubin, CEO and co-founder, ClearSky Data - Emil Eifrem, Founder and CEO, Neo Technology - Eric Brewer, VP of Infrastructure, Google - Guido Appenzeller, Chief Technology Strategy Officer, NSBU, VMware - Hamish Boland-Rudder, Online Editor, ICIJ - Iain Thompson, Reporter, The Register - Jason Forrester, Founder & CEO, SnapRoute - Jay Parikh, VP, Global Engineering and Infrastructure, Facebook - Jeetu Patel,Chief Strategy Officer and SVP of Platform, Box - Joe Weinman, Author, Information Technology - John Donovan, Chief Strategy Officer and Group President, Technology and Operations, AT&T - Jonathan Vanian, Writer, Fortune - Kyle MacDonald, Writer, The New Stack - Lance Crosby, CEO, Chairman, StackPath - Mac Devine, VP and CTO of Emerging Technology and Advanced Innovation, IBM Cloud Division, IBM - Mark Muehl, Senior Vice President of Product Engineering, Comcast - Matt Wood, Product Strategy, Amazon Web Services - Matthew Weinberger,Tech Reporter, Business Insider - Mike Saparov, VP of Engineering, CoreOS - Nicole Hemsoth, Co-Founder, Co-Editor, The Next Platform - Paul Madsen, Identity Management Specialist, Ping Identity - Paula Long, CEO, Data Gravity - Peter Wagner, Founding Partner, Wing Venture Capital - Raejeanne Skillern, VP Data Center Group, GM Cloud Service Provider Business, Intel - Scott Johnston, COO, Docker - Scott Guthrie, Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise, Microsoft - Seth Bodnar, Chief Digital Officer, GE Transportation - Sri Shivananda, SVP, CTO, PayPal - Stacey Higginbotham, Editor, SKT Labs - Stephanie Condon, Reporter, ZDNet - Steven Rosenbush, Editor, CIO Journal - Tobias Knaup, Co-Founder & CTO, Mesosphere - Urs Holzle, Senior Vice President for Technical Infrastructure, Google - Vinod Khosla, Partner, Khosla Ventures
Get 15% off your ticket if you register by 10/28.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Structure News: Apparently, you need cloud computing to know which way the wind blows