IN THE NEWS. So much is happening in the world of technology over the course of a week we thought it would be insightful to aggregate all of the business intelligence we're uncovering into a once a week newsletter that keeps you up to date with information and innovations specific to seven key technologies we'll be featuring at our Gigaom Change 2016 Leaders Summit. Enjoy! The Gigaom Change Team
|  | Despite obvious trust issues, protecting data is shifting to sharing data Contributing to collaborative intel on cybersecurity issues is bringing rival companies together to form powerful security alliances that not so long ago would have been unthinkable. |
|  | Robots Are Coming, Like It Or Not. By 2018, one in every three robots in operation around the world will be in China. For how long can the global robot population continue to grow? |
|  | Is The Rise Of Machines Taking Jobs Or Creating Them? "The battle between man and machines goes back centuries. Are they taking our jobs? Or are they merely easing our workload?" Deloitte have concluded that rather than destroying jobs, technology has been a "great job-creating machine". |
| Quote of the week... "GE's 2013 Global Innovation Barometer reveals that over 90 per cent of global executives believe that innovation is a strategic priority. But by the same token, another research reflects that only 7% are innovation leaders".
—Clay Christensen |
|  | Gigaom Change 2016 Announces WE Communications As Leaders Summit Partner. A global, unified collection of strategists, data scientists, writers, filmmakers, and social media provocateurs that speak 37 languages in 16 offices, spanning the globe from Seattle to Shanghai and Boston to Bangalore; We're excited to have this awesome group as a partner in bringing you Gigaom Change 2016. |
|  | 3D+ Printing Is Set To Change The Way The World Looks, And Functions. 3D printing and beyond will define the physical future, from housing to organs. What are the opportunities in this printing revolution? |
|  | How Can We Start Loving The Robots? One Oxford study claims that 47% of US jobs could vanish in 20 years. While consulting giant McKinsey & Company says 45% of all work activities could be automated right now. | Book Now | | |