| Structure 2016 brings cloud visionaries to the stage. | | | |  | | We're going to have the best lineup of speakers we've ever assembled at our flagship cloud computing event, Structure 2016, this November in San Francisco. They'll be announcing news, sharing insights and providing candid commentary on the issues of the day. If you need to be informed about the most important computing shift of our time, join us in five weeks at this essential cloud event.
For a limited time only, get our "buddy pass" to attend Structure 2016 and bring a colleague for the price of of single ticket. You and your buddy will have a lot to discuss on the way home from two great days of learning at the UCSF Mission Bay Conference Center, November 8th and 9th.
Put simply Structure was the most productive event I've presented at for years. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt an enormous amount from the best in the industry. I'd be honoured to participate in a future event. -- Geoff McGrath, CIO, McLaren Applied Technologies
The attendees were outstanding - very high quality and engaged! Perhaps the best quality for an industry event that I have attended. -- Craig S. Nunes, Chief Marketing Officer, Datera
Structure 2016 Speakers: - Arlette Hart, CISO, FBI
- Barb Darrow, Senior Writer, Fortune
- Bob Worrall, SVP, Chief Information Officer, Juniper
- Bryan Cantrill, CTO, Joyent
- Cade Metz, Senior Staff Writer, WIRED
- David Reilly, CTO, Bank of America
- Guido Appenzeller, Chief Technology Strategy Officer, NSBU, VMware
- Jason Forrester, Founder & CEO, SnapRoute
- Jay Parikh, VP, Global Engineering and Infrastructure, Facebook
- Jeetu Patel,Chief Strategy Officer and SVP of Platform, Box
- John Donovan, Chief Strategy Officer and Group President, Technology and Operations, AT&T
- Mac Devine, VP and CTO of Emerging Technology and Advanced Innovation, IBM Cloud Division, IBM
- Mark Muehl, Senior Vice President of Product Engineering, Comcast
- Matt Wood, Product Strategy, Amazon Web Services
- Mayumi Hiramatsu, VP, Product Operations, Cisco Systems
- Nicole Hemsoth, Co-Founder, Co-Editor, The Next Platform
- Raejeanne Skillern, VP Data Center Group, GM Cloud Service Provider Business, Intel
- Rodney J. Rogers, CEO, Virtustream
- Scott Guthrie, Executive Vice President of Cloud and Enterprise, Microsoft
- Seth Bodnar, Chief Digital Officer, GE Transportation
- Sri Shivananda, SVP, CTO, PayPal
- Stacey Higginbotham, Editor, SKT Labs
- Steven Rosenbush, Editor, CIO Journal
- Urs Holzle, Senior Vice President for Technical Infrastructure, Google
- Vinod Khosla, Partner, Khosla Ventures
- And more...
| | | | | | | | |  | MAC DEVINE | IBM | | | | |  | SCOTT GUTHRIE | Microsoft | | | | |  | ARLETTE HART | Federal Bureau of Investigation | | | | |  | URS HOLZLE | Google | | | | |  | RAEJEANNE SKILLERN | Intel | | | | |  | JAY PARIKH | Facebook | | | | | | | | |  | NOVEMBER 8-9, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO, CA | | | | | | Click here to unsubscribe from this list.
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