| Meet pioneers in machine-learning advances at Structure Security. |
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|  | | Machine learning is transforming almost every area of computing; the natural evolution of big data, advances in computing power, and a growing understanding of how to train machines to anticipate external events and react accordingly. This movement is starting to have a big impact on security thinking.
At Structure Security we'll feature pioneers in machine-learning advances, such as Kevin Mahaffey, co-founder & CTO of Lookout Security, Carson Sweet, co-founder & CTO of Cloud Passage, Mark Terenzoni, CEO of SQRRL, Stuart McClure, CEO of Cylance, and Oren Falkowitz, CEO of Area1 Security. | These experts will examine how machine learning can benefit your organization, why most organizations should probably focus on more basic defenses, and the latest machine learning techniques for security applications.
Don't miss this chance to separate the hype from the reality. Register now. | |
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| | | | |  | Oren Falkowitz | Area 1 Security |
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|  | Kevin Mahaffey | Lookout |
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|  | Stuart McClure | Cylance |
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|  | Carson Sweet | CloudPassage |
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|  | Mark Terenzoni | Sqrrl |
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|  | Stacy Stubblefield | TeleSign |
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| | |  | SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
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