The idea of artificial intelligence is an old one. But now, not only has it become a reality for businesses today, but a necessity as well.
Up until now, the AI products that we use on a daily basis tend to be very verticalized. They may be an expert system that can do one very narrow thing quite well, or a machine learning application which has one specific domain.
But now, things have changed. Now, broader AI systems which can ingest a wide range of data and provide intelligence on it are popping up.
When IBM Watson is presented the Jeopardy answer of “A long, tiresome speech delivered by a frothy pie topping” and knows the proper question is "What is meringue-harangue?", well, things just got rather interesting. But the story isn’t only Watson. A world of diverse AI technologies has emerged, each more exciting than the last.
When discussing AI, there is always a temptation to speculate on just how advanced it can get. And yes, at Gigaom Change, we probably won’t be able to resist a moment or two of discussion about it. But the real intention of the AI portion of our event in on what you can do today with AI in your organization to give you a competitive edge.
These are exciting times in technology, but they are also exciting times in business. Come to Austin in September and join us as we explore the immediate AI opportunities available to companies today. The leading AI companies and thought leaders will be there, eager to explore the possibilities of using these technologies in business today.
Right now, you can register to attend at our Early Adopter pricing of $1150. The full price of an event tickets is $4000, so this is a substantial savings. The event is expected to sell out, so I urge you to sign up today.
I hope to see you in September.
Byron Reese
Publisher, Gigaom
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