Top HeadlinesFacebook has admitted that it failed to apply its policies about offensive content to some disturbingly misogynistic pages. But is this a victory for the social network's critics, or just another stop on the slippery slope of censorship? Read More »Here's one reason why Yahoo and Hulu would be a good match: They're practically roommates already! But the deal would also make sense from a business perspective. Read More »What the Toronto Star, Chicago Tribune and other media companies have learned from publishing ebooksThe University of Pennsylvania, Frederator Studios, the Chicago Tribune and the Toronto Star all recently started publishing ebooks. Here are some of the lessons they've learned -- and how well they're doing. Read More »"The domino is going to fall," IAC chairman Barry Diller predicted. How fast and how hard, we don't exactly know, but the television market is ripe for change. Read More »Dow Jones is betting on tech investments to wield together a sprawling swarm of products -- including the Wall Street Journal as well as research and data products -- and compete with Bloomberg. Read More »Twitter CEO Dick Costolo thinks Apple is his spirit company, news organizations shouldn't fear Twitter, and that engineers need room to experiment. Read More »According to multiple reports, media mogul Barry Diller is looking to unload his stake in Newsweek magazine. Is the title's brand irreparably damaged, or could a new owner revitalize it? Here are a few suggestions. Read More »"We're in a major battle right now for the future of the industry," former Macmillan CEO Brian Napack said at the Publishers Launch conference Wednesday. Here's why clashes between Amazon and book publishers are inevitable. Read More »A new initiative from HarperCollins allows authors to give away digital advance copies of their ebooks. The ebooks are protected by DRM and can only be read on devices that support Adobe Digital Editions (which does not include Kindle). Read More »The FT just launched a rapid-fire news service that consists of 100-250 word stories. The idea is to offer punchy news and analysis -- and ensure readers don't have to stray from the FT for their business news. Read More »With the proliferation of new publishing platforms -- and not just blogs or social networks, but also all-digital publishers like Medium, LinkedIn and the Huffington Post -- how does a writer decide where they should put their work? Read More »Guess who else likes Arrested Development? Pirates, that's who. The new season of the cult show has been downloaded by 100,000 file sharers within a single day. Read More »Netflix declined to renew its licensing deal with Viacom last week, leading to the loss of popular streaming kids' shows like Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob SquarePants. Toddlers nationwide had a terrible weekend. Read More »Gawker reached its goal of raising $200,000 to purchase a video of a big city mayor smoking crack. Editor John Cook explained on Tuesday the reasons for the controversial campaign in which the fate of the video is still unknown. Read More »Circa, the San Francisco-based startup that creates news summaries for mobile users, says it has hired Thomson Reuters social-media editor Anthony De Rosa as its new editor-in-chief to expand its journalistic reach. Read More »Ostriches, Google cars, SNL cast members, cameos, Liza Minelli and so much narration -- the return of Arrested Development is finally here, and binge-viewing Season 4 this weekend revealed one of the densest seasons of television ever. Read More » | |