Tuesday, 11 November 2014

You belong at Roadmap. Here’s why.

We’re a week away from Roadmap and we want you to take two days out from the ordinary to hear from leading design experts on what’s to come.

  1. Our line up of design influencers
    We’re excited to chat with design gurus Yves Béhar, Matías Duarte, Tony Fadell and Evan Williams, to just name a few…You can check out our full speaker list here.

  2. Invisible Design, what you need to know
    Our focus this year is “invisible design.” Read about what invisible design means to conference co-chair Om.

  3. The opportunity for chance encounters
    We have two parties in store for attendees. First our Kickoff Event, where we’ll feature a talk by Reza Ali, and a conversation between Gadi Amit and Om Malik. We’re also hosting a Day One After Party with the Hoff and Knight Rider as a backdrop. These events are invitation-only and for registered attendees only. (Once you register, you’ll receive your invitations.)

Oh, and if haven’t gotten your ticket, we suggest you make haste. Time and availability is running thin...

Get your ticket while they're still available


-Om Malik & Katie Fehrenbacher

Gigaom Roadmap
November 18-19, 2014
SFJazz Center
San Francisco, CA

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