Facebook kicked off the week at the @Scale conference by revealing some interesting details about how it is building the next generation of its infrastructure to handle an explosion in video content.
Fortune got a behind-the-scenes look at the process with
Facebook's Jay Parikh, who will be speaking at Structure 2015.
ACCENTURE ACQUIRES CLOUD SHERPAS TO ENHANCE CLOUD CONSULTING CHOPS, ESPECIALLY AROUND SALESFORCE.COM As bigger and bigger companies contemplate moving their workloads to the cloud, they're turning to their old consulting friends to help them make the leap.
Techcrunch reports that Accenture's cloud team grew a little stronger this week with the pickup of Cloud Sherpas, a 1,100-person strong consulting company born of the cloud era.
EVERYTHING ANNOUNCED AT DREAMFORCE 2015 SO FAR Speaking of Salesforce.com, it took over a city block in downtown San Francisco this week (much to the annoyance of the locals) for Dreamforce 2015. While the event is mostly a commercial for Salesforce and a party for its customers,
Venturebeat compiled a list of the product news and interesting talks showcased during the week.
I talked to Pinterest's Raj Patel (a Structure 2015 speaker) a few weeks ago that he had already been putting plans in place to scale Pinterest from 76 million users as of July to 100 million as of Wednesday.
The New York Times interviews Pinterest CEO Ben Silbermann about the milestone, noting that the company still needs to grow to live up to its valuation.
ORACLE SEES LIGHT AT THE END OF CLOUDY TUNNEL While Dreamforce attendees were partying with Stevie Wonder, Oracle was releasing an earnings report that wasn't exactly an excuse to party.
Fortune reports that while Oracle's revenue was lighter than analysts had expected, it is rapidly shifting its attention to the cloud software world, and even expects to produce margins akin to its Good Old Days. We shall see.
WHY WHATSAPP ONLY NEEDS 50 ENGINEERS FOR ITS 900M USERS Few companies have scaled as quickly and smartly as WhatsApp, the Facebook-owned messaging app that connects the planet.
Wired looks at some of the secrets behind that rise, which includes the Erlang programming language and a cultural focus on simplicity.
AWS RE:INVENT TO FOCUS ON CLOUD MANAGEMENT, SECURITY While we like to think you can get everything you need to know about the cloud world at Structure, Amazon's Re:Invent conference is obviously a must-attend event on your calendar.
David Linthicum (who will be moderating a session at Structure 2015) has four predictions for what you can expect to hear at Amazon's big show.