When considering keynote speakers for Gigaom Change we wanted to find someone who had seen a new technology arrive at the very beginning, then ushered it through to commercial success and finally helped to make it impact the entire world. Among these titans, few loom as large as Bob Metcalfe—Inventor of Ethernet; Metcalfe's Law; Founder of 3Com. Still working on big issues, Metcalfe's current focus is innovation as a driver of freedom and prosperity; specifically, perfecting and promoting the innovation tool that is startups.
| | "Innovation makes the world go round. It brings prosperity and freedom. It is a high calling." ~Bob Metcalfe |
Connect with Robert Metcalfe and a very limited number of 300+ other visionary minds, change agents, thought leaders, researchers and more, as well as 20+ global experts who are at the forefront of the biggest technological advances that will change everything.

We will be highlighting the current state of the art, how these are transforming industry, and as we look to the future what you need to know to accelerate tangible next steps for your business.