IN THE NEWS. So much is happening in the world of technology over the course of a week we thought it would be insightful to aggregate all of the business intelligence we're uncovering into a once a week newsletter that keeps you up to date with information and innovations specific to seven key technologies we'll be featuring at our Gigaom Change 2016 Leaders Summit. Enjoy! The Gigaom Change Team
|  | A trip to Mars or Galapagos in your lunch break? Not as far-fetched as you might think, Google #Expeditions is delivering field trips to you. |
|  | Think autonomous industries are still a long way off? Rolls Royce plan to launch at least one fully autonomous ship within 10yrs. |
|  | What's the future of security? As the level of security breaches and cyber attacks rise, so to do the stakes. |
| Quote of the week... "Never before have corporations been so large, so wealthy, so powerful, and so rich in human creativity and endeavor. It is critical to our success and to the livelihood of our global population for them to understand that their future is entirely caught up in their ability to find solutions."
—Dr. Lynda Gratton, British organizational theorist, consultant, and Professor of Management Practice at London Business School |
|  | Will AR become a real world replacement for mobile devices? Projected to be a $90B industry, at the very least it's set to be a major disruptor. |
|  | What are quantum dots and why do I want them in my TV? They're transforming the lens through which you view things. |
|  | The next big thing in hardware computing is also the cutest It may look and act like a toy, but Cozmo is driven by an "emotional engine", that belies its complexity. | Book Now | | |