Join the most brilliant minds in security next month at Structure Security. |
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| If you're in charge of keeping your company's information assets secure, and you think the state of modern information security is overly and needlessly confusing, you're not alone.
With over 30 years of insight into information security triumphs and failures in his mental database, Art Coviello has observed how technology and security companies have responded to the explosion in internet connectivity and criminal activity.
That's why we're thrilled that the former chairman and longtime executive at RSA Security will kick off Structure Security on September 27th in San Francisco. | He'll share the vital strategies you should have in place to protect your organization in a world of growing threats.
Reserve your seat now.
Remember, you can take advantage of our buy one/get a buddy pass, team rates and a Double Pack to attend both Structure Security and Structure 2016. | |
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| | | |  | Art Coviello | Formerly at RSA Security |
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|  | Arlette Hart | FBI |
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|  | Laz Lazarikos | InfoSec Thought Leader |
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|  | Jay Leek | Blackstone |
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|  | Adrian Ludwig | Google |
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|  | Bethany Mayer | Ixia |
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|  | SEPTEMBER 27-28, 2016 SAN FRANCISCO, CA |
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